Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cryptic death threat letter received in Marion, rural suburb of Shreveport, LA...

2/13/08 In the below link, inked in blood, is the odd correspondence that was received by local auhorities and worried residents (there have been a lot of missing person cases in the area lately, they say). It appears to be some sort of code, which as of this moment, has not been solved... police and admins of the THK blog website are asking if any folks may be able to figure out if there is another message lurking amongst the letters in the note - answer by posting a Comment here...

Other sites this mysterious letter has been uploaded to:

Myspace THK Group page:

Facebook THK Group page:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nutcracker: An American Nightmare: TNC's previous feature, now on S.E. DVD

New promo pic for The Hurting Kind; check out TNC's last feature Nutcracker: An American Nightmare, now on DVD Special Edition.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Pre-production progress as of Feb. 7, '08

We've finished breakdown sheets, now its on to Category breakdown. Pumping up publicity and 'viral marketing' is going fine. Next, simultaneously will be the first storyboards for Promo Trailer #1.